Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kurch - Life on the Ashen Sea

I ended up culling a large portion of what I had written for this, but regardless here's the bare essentials for the setting. We'll be starting out in Kurch, a city situated on a major aquatic thoroughfare built on top of the ruined legacy of a long-dead people.

In Kurch, you either have or you have not, the stark duality of the city's rich and poor being painfully evident for those without a coin to their name. Many people turn to crime in a bid to make a better life for themselves, despite the indisputable evidence that, in Kurch, crime does not pay and instead "pays back." Nearly everyone who lives in Kurch is dirty, including yourselves. You've lived in Kurch for about 1 year and a month, and the smells of the Smoke District are as welcoming to you as the finest perfumes, and though your friends on Pigsticker Lane are always looking for the blood that's owed them, you simply cannot resist venturing down to the Fountain for a drink and some smoked meats every now and then. Such is the life in Kurch, and you wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. Alright so here is my idea character wise I want to see if this is cool with you.
    My character is a member of nobility in Partha and has faithfully served the Immortal Ruler and his ilk. That is until he was commanded to kill innocents in their name during a military campaign or the like. The slaughtering of the young, feeble, woman and so on even if they are not believers did not sit well with him. After partaking in this wholesale slaughter he deserts the Parthian Army and culture swearing to protect those who could not protect themselves. Denounced by his family and charged with treason he heads to Kurch where he resides today as a vagabond and "do gooder" helping those he can even if the risk to himself are great.

  2. Character concept text wall incoming.

    My guy is Burduni and is the youngest son of the former ruler of his clan, as such, his somewhat warmongering elder brother took leadership upon the father's death during a petty war over honor against a rival clan. Saddened by his father's loss, bothered by his brother's rule ad disillusioned with the clan's futile warring ways he sets off on a journey but not before vowing to return and lead his people to a different destiny, the one he truly believes they deserve.

    After making his way to a somewhat large port town in South Eastern Venedi he signs on as hand on a trade ship bound for the free cities, but not before making a couple stops on the far side of the Ashen Sea in Partha. During this journey not only does he get away from the closed in lifestyle of the Burduni clans, but also learns about the customs and culture of the Venedi and Parthians. It is during this time that he begins to further question the ways of his people and begins to brainstorm ways to lead them to their destiny.

    Long story short, he decides that he must take it into his own hands and reclaim leadership of his clan from his brother. From there, find a way to finance the raising of an army and begin to lead his people to their destiny by taking over one clan at a time until he can form his own small free Burduni nation.

    That was several years ago though. Though this dream still lies in his heart he is a somewhat changed man. As the months went by the fire burned less and less, and even less when he heard that his brother was doing quite well for himself having taken over a small rival clan's territory. At the time being he is content with his current life as a sell-sword waiting for the time that his destiny calls once again.

  3. Excellent. If you guys decide how you're going to stat out your character and what disciplines they've learned I can print it out on 100# paper so it looks nice and won't hold a crease as easily or tear from a slight nudge.

  4. Bes Ammit "Mdjai"
    S: 7 (+3)
    A: 9
    M: 7
    E: 7

    Endurance: 7 Athletics: 7
    Sneak: 9 (+4) Acrobatics: 9
    Intuit: 7 Lore: 7
    Poise: 7 Guile: 7


    Heart of Iron(+3 Strength)

    Champions Signature (b)
    True Grit (b)
    Kings Disposition (e)
    In the Line of Fire (e)
    Bloody Havoc (m)

    Shadow Servant (+4 sneak)

    Dim the Lights (b)
    Witness in Dark (b)
    Tendril (e)

    Annal of Stone (perfect sense of position in 3d)

    Hewn from Rock (b)
    Pillars of Earth (b)

    I'm not sure if my stats work with the bonus from Heart of Iron for the 4pts away aspect, but if need be I can change stuff around and perhaps the disciplines too if need be. But this is what I have so far so if you could copy it up that would be pretty sweet. Thanks buddy

  5. The limits for the stats only apply at generation, and the bonus from Heart of Iron technically comes "after" generation. So you have 10 9 7 7.

  6. I'm making a new sheet; it's only a rearranged one to provide more lines for the disciplines. If you want to use the old one go right ahead, there's no functional difference between the two.

  7. By the way I need your resistances. Which one's good and which one's bad?

  8. Spiratual is bad
    Natural is neutral
    Magical is good

  9. Here it is if you wanna check it over. Otherwise it's printed up and good to go.
